EYE Forlì 2024, The International Community NGO in the spotlight

EYE Forlì 2024, The International Community NGO in the spotlight

Forlì, 28th of May – For the first time in Italy, the European Youth Event (the biannual youth event which usually takes place in Strasbourg organised by the European Parliament) has taken place in Forlì, precisely on the University of Bologna campus from the 17th to the 19th of May, featuring thousands of young Europeans and NGOs, including ours,…

Artificial Intelligence: how the European Union has become a leader in its regulation

Artificial Intelligence: how the European Union has become a leader in its regulation

Software is eating the world” said 2011 American businessman and former software engineer Marc Andreessen to point out how each modern activity involves the use of software. Little did Andreessen know that the same software industry could be at risk of being eaten. From 2011 on, new cutting-edge technology surged massively, posing a threat to…

USA and China relations

USA and China relations

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States (US) have had a complex relationship since they established diplomatic ties in 1979. Although they have cooperated in areas such as trade, global threats, and cultural exchange, they have also been in competition in military and economic fields. In recent years, the relations between China…