Discussions club

We are also offering a discussion club in English (B1+). The discussion club gives a great opportunity to improve your skills in public speaking and debating followed by the discussion. Every meeting there is a presentation prepared by one participant on the topic of their interest. You can practice how to make a presentation and...


We are offering young leaders a great experience in international politics. For a few days you can represent a country or an organization in the G20 summit. Our event provides a great opportunity to deepen your knowledge on international politics and current challenges to the global economy. You can also develop in the areas of...

Paths towards peace

We invite you to participate in the online workshop consisting of short lectures from guest speakers talking about their experience and expertise in global conflicts and their definition of peace, as well as interactive and engaging activities about understanding what means peace and conflict on a personal level and compare them with different academic definitions....

Model United Nations

The International Community Online Model United Nations, is a brand new conference which aims at organising an international meeting for young professionals to discuss international policy-making, promote cooperation and human rights awareness. In our simulation young people will represent real United Nations delegate,  every participant will be assigned to a delegation member of the UN General Assembly.  

Ukrainian Diplomatic Mission

Ukrainian Diplomatic Mission is unique project in the field of international relations, that aims to immerse young professionals  in the world of diplomacy, experience the work of the Ukrainian Parliament and introduce one of the most interesting and developing cities in Europe – Kyiv. This event will last for three informative days, where participants will...

Model United Nations in Vienna

The International Community Online Model United Nations, is a brand new conference which aims at organising an international meeting for young professionals to discuss international policy-making, promote cooperation and human rights awareness. In our simulation young people will represent real United Nations delegate,  every participant will be assigned to a delegation member of the UN General Assembly.

Public speaking course with Anastasiia Todoruk

During this course, we will work through the fears that prevent us from feeling comfortable when performing in front of an audience or camera. We will also focus in your strengths and pump up your self-confidence so that you are always ready for public speaking