What is happening in Sudan?

What is happening in Sudan?

A short reconstruction of Sudan’s history from independence to the current conflict. Sudan is a State located in the northwestern part of the African continent. It borders with Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Chad, and Libya. With its 1,886,068 square kilometres, Sudan represents the third-largest country on the continent (until the…

Chechnya: between freedom and repression

Chechnya: between freedom and repression

“I’d been to some war zones before in my life, but I had never been in one as terrifying as Chechnya” – Scott Anderson, American author and war correspondent  “How we react to the tragedy of one small person accurately reflects our attitude towards a whole nationality, and increasing the numbers doesn’t change much” – Anna Politkovskaya,…

Arms Control in Crisis: How Russian Aggression Challenges Humanitarian Treaties

Arms Control in Crisis: How Russian Aggression Challenges Humanitarian Treaties

In the wake of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine, trust in international arms control regimes, particularly the Convention on Cluster Munitions and the Anti-Personnel Landmines Convention, is increasingly diminishing. Lithuania’s recent decision to exit the Convention on Cluster Munitions, citing regional security concerns and the need to improve its defence capabilities, marks a significant and troubling…